Fundamental Logic Driver

In simple words, logic is “the study of correct reasoning, especially regarding making inferences.” Logic began as a philosophical term and is now used in other disciplines like math and computer science. While the definition sounds simple enough, understanding logic is a little more complex. Use logic examples to help you learn to use logic properly.

Example of Formal Logic

Logic is the discipline that aims to distinguish good reasoning from bad. Since reasoning is central to all fields of study—indeed, since it’s arguably. Fundamental Of Logic Design 6th edition (Book and Solution) Authors Charles H. Kinney carefully present the theory that is necessary for understanding the fundamental concepts of logic design while not overwhelming students with the mathematics of switching theory. This page provides all the resources you need to find training, get answers and ask questions related to logic and translation. The Logic Minute video training Watch tutorials on both fundamental and complex logic concepts that are made easy to understand in just a couple of minutes. Windows Device Identification strings look rather cryptic (for example, USB VID093A&PID2468 5&B114931&0&1) but these strings are fundamental to Windows Plug-and-Play and how Windows figures out.

Definitions of Logic

Logic can include the act of reasoning by humans in order to form thoughts and opinions, as well as classifications and judgments. Some forms of logic can also be performed by computers and even animals.

Logic can be defined as:

“The study of truths based completely on the meanings of the terms they contain.”

Logic is a process for making a conclusion and a tool you can use.

  • The foundation of a logical argument is its proposition, or statement.
  • The proposition is either accurate (true) or not accurate (false).
  • Premises are the propositions used to build the argument.
  • The argument is then built on premises.
  • Then an inference is made from the premises.
  • Finally, a conclusion is drawn.

Definition of Logic in Philosophy

Logic is a branch of philosophy. There are different schools of thought on logic in philosophy, but the typical version is called classical elementary logic or classical first-order logic. In this discipline, philosophers try to distinguish good reasoning from bad reasoning.

Definition of Logic in Mathematics

Logic is also an area of mathematics. Mathematical logic uses propositional variables, which are often letters, to represent propositions.

Types of Logic With Examples

Generally speaking, there are four types of logic.

Informal Logic

Informal logic is what’s typically used in daily reasoning. This is the reasoning and arguments you make in your personal exchanges with others.

  • Premises: Nikki saw a black cat on her way to work. At work, Nikki got fired.

    Conclusion: Black cats are bad luck.

    Explanation: This is a big generalization and can’t be verified.

  • Premises: There is no evidence that penicillin is bad for you. I use penicillin without any problems.

    Conclusion: Penicillin is safe for everyone.

    Explanation: The personal experience here or lack of knowledge isn’t verifiable.

  • Premises: My mom is a celebrity. I live with my mom.

    Conclusion: I am a celebrity.

    Explanation: There is more to proving fame that assuming it will rub off.

Formal Logic


In formal logic, you use deductive reasoning and the premises must be true. You follow the premises to reach a formal conclusion.

  • Premises: Every person who lives in Quebec lives in Canada. Everyone in Canada lives in North America.

    Conclusion: Every person who lives in Quebec lives in North America.

    Explanation: Only true facts are presented here.

  • Premises: All spiders have eight legs. Black Widows are a type of spider.

    Conclusion: Black Widows have eight legs.

    Explanation: This argument isn’t controversial.

  • Premises: Bicycles have two wheels. Jan is riding a bicycle.

    Conclusion: Jan is riding on two wheels.

    Explanation: The premises are true and so is the conclusion.

Symbolic Logic

Symbolic logic deals with how symbols relate to each other. It assigns symbols to verbal reasoning in order to be able to check the veracity of the statements through a mathematical process. You typically see this type of logic used in calculus.

Symbolic logic example:

  • Propositions: If all mammals feed their babies milk from the mother (A). If all cats feed their babies mother’s milk (B). All cats are mammals(C). The Ʌ means “and,” and the ⇒ symbol means “implies.”
  • Conclusion: A Ʌ B ⇒ C
  • Explanation: Proposition A and proposition B lead to the conclusion, C. If all mammals feed their babies milk from the mother and all cats feed their babies mother’s milk, it implies all cats are mammals.

Mathematical Logic

In mathematical logic, you apply formal logic to math. This type of logic is part of the basis for the logic used in computer sciences. Mathematical logic and symbolic logic are often used interchangeably.

Types of Reasoning With Examples

Each type of logic could include deductive reasoning, inductive reasoning, or both.

Deductive Reasoning Examples

Deductive reasoning provides complete evidence of the truth of its conclusion. It uses a specific and accurate premise that leads to a specific and accurate conclusion. With correct premises, the conclusion to this type of argument is verifiable and correct.

  • Premises: All squares are rectangles. All rectangles have four sides.

    Conclusion: All squares have four sides.

  • Premises: All people are mortal. You are a person.

    Conclusion: You are mortal. Datacolor drivers.

  • Premises: All trees have trunks. An oak tree is a tree.

    Conclusion: The oak tree has a trunk.

Inductive Logic Examples

Inductive reasoning is 'bottom up,' meaning that it takes specific information and makes a broad generalization that is considered probable, allowing for the fact that the conclusion may not be accurate. This type of reasoning usually involves a rule being established based on a series of repeated experiences.

  • Premises: An umbrella prevents you from getting wet in the rain. Ashley took her umbrella, and she did not get wet.

    Conclusion: In this case, you could use inductive reasoning to offer an opinion that it was probably raining.

    Explanation: Your conclusion, however, would not necessarily be accurate because Ashley would have remained dry whether it rained and she had an umbrella, or it didn't rain at all.

  • Premises: Every three-year-old you see at the park each afternoon spends most of their time crying and screaming.

    Conclusion: All three-year-olds must spend their afternoon screaming.

    Explanation: This would not necessarily be correct, because you haven’t seen every three-year-old in the world during the afternoon to verify it.

  • Premises: Twelve out of the 20 houses on the block burned down. Each fire was caused by faulty wiring.

    Conclusion: If more than half the homes have faulty wiring, all homes on the block have faulty wiring.

    Explanation: You do not know this conclusion to be verifiably true, but it is probable.

  • Premises: Red lights prevent accidents. Mike did not have an accident while driving today.

    Conclusion: Mike must have stopped at a red light.

    Explanation: Mike might not have encountered any traffic signals at all. Therefore, he might have been able to avoid accidents even without stopping at a red light.

Follow the Logic

As these examples show, you can use logic to solve problems and to draw conclusions. Sometimes those conclusions are correct conclusions, and sometimes they are inaccurate. When you use deductive reasoning, you arrive at correct logical arguments while inductive reasoning may or may not provide you with a correct outcome. Check out examples of logical fallacies to see what incorrect logical reasoning looks like.

M.S. Counselor Education

Tesla has supported the price of Bitcoin, but it can affect gold as well.

The bull market in cryptocurrencies continues. As you can see in the chart below, the price of Bitcoin has recently increased to almost $47,000 (as of February 10). The parabolic rise seems to be disturbing, as such quick rallies often end abruptly.

However, it’s worth noting that the price of Bitcoin has partially jumped because of the increased acceptance of cryptocurrencies as a legitimate form of currency by the established big companies. In particular, Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla, has recently published a series of tweets that significantly affected the price of Bitcoin, Dogecoin, and other cryptocurrencies.


Furthermore, Tesla updated its investment policy to include alternative assets as possible investments. In the last 10-k filing to the Securities and Exchange Commission in January 2021, Tesla stated:

In January 2021, we updated our investment policy to provide us with more flexibility to further diversify and maximize returns on our cash that is not required to maintain adequate operating liquidity.

Importantly, these assets also include gold:

As part of the policy, which was duly approved by the Audit Committee of our Board of Directors, we may invest a portion of such cash in certain alternative reserve assets including digital assets, gold bullion, gold exchange-traded funds, and other assets as specified in the future.

This means that Tesla wants to diminish its position in the U.S. dollar and to diversify its cash holdings. In other words, the company lost some of its confidence in the greenback and started to look for alternatives. So, it seems that Musk and other investors are afraid of expansion in public debt, higher inflation, and the dollar’s debasement.

And rightly so! The continued fiscal stimulus will expand the fiscal deficit even further, ballooning the federal debt. With the budget resolution passed last week, only a simple majority will be needed in the Senate to get Biden’s $1.9 trillion package approved, a majority that Democrats have.

Remember also that the U.S. economy added only 49,000 jobs in January, while 227,000 jobs were lost in December (revised down by 87,000!). The poor non-farm payrolls will strengthen the odds of a larger fiscal stimulus and easier fiscal and monetary policies.

Hence, combined with the ultra-dovish monetary policy and a Fed more tolerant to inflation, the upcoming fiscal support could ultimately be a headwind for the dollar. Initially, the prospect of fiscal support caused positive reactions on the financial markets, but as the euphoria passes, investors start to examine the long-term consequences of easy money and the large expansion of government spending. Importantly, the larger the debt, the deeper the debt trap, and the longer the zero interest rates policy will stay with us, as the Fed won’t try to upset the Treasury.

Implications for Gold

What does Tesla’s move imply for the precious metals market? Well, we are not observing the kind of rally in gold that we are currently witnessing in the cryptocurrencies sphere (see the chart below). And – given the size of the gold market – it’s unlikely that Musk & Co. could ignite a mania similar to the one seen in Dogecoin. The gold market is simply too big. Even the silver market could be too large for similar speculative plays – as the failure of the recent attempt of a short squeeze has shown.

Fundamental Logic Driver

However, the update of Tesla’s investment policy is a confirmation of gold as a safe-haven asset and portfolio diversifier. If other big companies follow suit, and we see an actual reallocation of funds from the U.S. dollar towards gold, the price of the yellow metal will get an invigorating electric impulse.

If you enjoyed today’s free gold report, we invite you to check out our premium services. We provide much more detailed fundamental analyses of the gold market in our monthly Gold Market Overview reports, and we provide daily Gold & Silver Trading Alerts with clear buy and sell signals. To enjoy our gold analyses in their full scope, we invite you to subscribe today. If you’re not ready to subscribe yet, and you are not on our gold mailing list yet, we urge you to sign up there as well for daily yellow metal updates. Sign up now!

Arkadiusz Sieron, PhD
Sunshine Profits: Analysis. Care. Profits.


Fundamental Logic Driver Handbook

Disclaimer: Please note that the aim of the above analysis is to discuss the likely long-term impact of the featured phenomenon on the price of gold and this analysis does not indicate (nor does it aim to do so) whether gold is likely to move higher or lower in the short- or medium term. In order to determine the latter, many additional factors need to be considered (i.e. sentiment, chart patterns, cycles, indicators, ratios, self-similar patterns and more) and we are taking them into account (and discussing the short- and medium-term outlook) in our Gold & Silver Trading Alerts.